The Biblical Astronomy Fellowship
Help Kids Reach fror the Stars...
The Fellowship is designed for interested adults from amateur astronomers to serious students, or merely the curious. We offer a wide range of potential activities for those interested in things astronomical, with a Biblical emphasis. We can add that special flavor to your Star Party, provide expert commentary on current celestial events, or provide the flair you need for your holiday "Planetarium" show done in Powerpoint format. This reveals the mystery and the Biblical history surrounding the Astronomy of the Birth of Christ, like you've never seen before! Let us liven up your Church, home fellowship or home school program, with Biblical research that will give you a new light on old traditions.
Here are some current Christian Ministries that support our work in Biblical Astronomy:
TideWater Church
Here are some Astronomy based websites we have referenced: [Biblical Astronomy Newsletter] [watch star of Bethlehem video]
Here are some research Reference websites we have utilized:
We welcome your comments or questions at

Stargazers Astronomy Club
The Stargazers Club is designed for pre-teens, teens, through college students who are interested in Biblical Astronomy or archaeo Astronomy. Our initial point of outreach for "the club" is a Comic Strip series documenting the story of the Biblical Magi, their background in history and their rise to prominence in the days of the ancient Persian Empire. "The Chronicles of the Magi" will entertain and educate the younger and school-aged readers who want to know the "real deal" on how the Magi were the only Gentiles to recognize the reality of the "Star of Bethlehem," along with events that led to their momentous caravan to Jerusalem, and their meeting with King Herod that led them to Bethlehem. This continuing comic series will provide an original introduction to the subject of Biblical Astronomy for novices of all ages, and answer questions that have been nagging us all for centuries. So keep an eye out for our latest addition to the Try-God Universe, coming soon to a Comic Strip near you!!